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Live Chat

Live Chat provides your customers with a fast and convenient way to connect with you on your website. 77% of consumers believe Live Chat improves a business reputation. Why not generate leads with one of the most intuitive communications platforms possible?

Get it Now !

Amazing features

Proactive chat! Prompt a chat with a customer after they’ve spent a specific (and pre-determined) amount of time on your site.
Feed your hot new leads list! All new chats will automatically feed your contact list.
Personalize all your conversations! The client profile of your chat user will be directly displayed as soon as the conversation starts.
Leave no questions unanswered! Thanks to its smooth experience, you can view at a glance the conversation flow by jumping from one chat to another and by entering a group conversation.
Get it Now !

Q. What languages are supported?

A. Currently, the platform is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch.

Q. How does the installation of the Live Chat widget work?

A. Once the widget is customized to your needs, the app can be added to your website with a simple HTML code or a direct URL within an email.


Q. What languages are supported?

A. Currently, the platform is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch.

Q. How does the installation of the Live Chat widget work?

A. Once the widget is customized to your needs, the app can be added to your website with a simple HTML code or a direct URL within an email.

Additional Information