Business owners are always looking for ad platforms to reach their customers on.

Most businesses run ads on Facebook. Some run Google Search Ads & YouTube Ads.

And all those are great. But there’s one Ad network that works great for businesses but many people don’t use and that’s Google Display Ads.

What are Google Display Ads

Google Display ads are mostly graphical ads (though they can also be text-only) in different shapes and sizes that appear as banner ads and sidebar advertisements on web pages.

While search ads are based on text, Display ads are image-based. They are great for building awareness for your brand.

Benefits of Google Display Ads

There are two big benefits of the Goggle Display Ads and they are:
● High Reach
● Low cost

Wider reach
Google Display Network (GDN) is a network of over 2 million websites across the world plus apps that display advertisers to visitors or users.

With Google Display Ads, your ad will be displayed on sites, videos and apps across Google Display Network. This means you can reach your audience anywhere, anytime, and connect with the most engaged online audiences for a few spends

You will see your Google display Ad campaigns when browsing your favorite websites. However, they can also appear on your Gmail account, apps, or Youtube videos.

Best used for: To reach your potential customers early in their buying cycle and increase your brand awareness.

Unlike Search ads, Display ads are very budget-friendly.

Believe it or not, they are much cheaper than Facebook ads when done right.

Why you need to use Google Display Ads

Google display ads are a no-brainer for your business. They are extremely powerful for business with the right strategy in place.

The key for you will be to really research your audience, so you can better understand your options and know how you can effectively customize your ad campaigns to get the desired results..

Best practices of Google Display ads

If you decide to run Google DIsplay ads or have an agency run Display ads for you, these are some things you need to take into consideration.

1. Focus On Responsive Display ads
Responsive display ads will automatically adjust in appearance, size, and format so they can perfectly fit all the available placements on the Google Display Network.

2. Never mix new users with your remarketing audiences
Display ads allow for remarketing, which is a great way that you can remind your website visitors about products and services.

Many marketers and businesses have often struggled with the question of whether to use search ads, display ads, or both, some don’t even know the difference between Google Search and Google Display Ads.

If you want your business to have more visibility with your target audience affordably, then you absolutely need to use Google Display Ads

What’s Next?

If you don’t have Google Display Ads set up yet, you need to do so.

Running a successful Display campaign has a lot of components and if you’re new to ads, look for an Agency (preferably a Google Partner Agency) to work with to get started.