If you have a website that isn’t consistently generating you a predictable amount of leads, then this is going to be the best article you will ever read.
Here’s why…
You may have the best product or service on the planet but without customers, you don’t really have a business.
There is a constant need to create awareness for your product or service on the various platforms and of course, that includes your website.
If your website isn’t properly positioned to convert visitors to leads and ultimately, to clients, you’re definitely leaving a lot of money on the table.
The question is: Just how well is your website performing to get you more business?
My guess is, you don’t even know the answer to that.
In that case, what you don’t know might just be costing you a lot more than you think.

How To Make Your Website Attract And Qualify Customers

To give a little perspective to this, let’s take a few steps back.
In the early 90’s, the world experienced the launch of the internet and this ushered in a new era of connectivity which gave birth to the launch of numerous online related businesses.
This era took interactions between customers and businesses to a whole new level.
In other words you could have a business and serve customers anywhere, whether that meant locally, nationwide, regionally or the whole world.
Companies like Ebay and Amazon leveraged this trend and became household names.

How To Make Your Website Attract And Qualify Customers

Today, there are over 2 billion websites on the internet, and about 400 million of them are active and of the 7 billion people on the planet, 59% are online (which translates to about 4.57 billion people).
…Including prospective customers that need your product or service.
And that’s where your website needs to make a good first impression by communicating the value of your product or service in a way your prospective customer can understand and appreciate.
Imagine for a moment if your website was able to engage your ideal customers and convert them to paying on a monthly basis.
What impact would that have on your business?
It would definitely have a positive impact on REVENUE GROWTH.
But, it doesn’t happen by chance.


How To Make Your Website Attract And Qualify Customers

There are a lot of elements that go into how your website is perceived and how effective it is in getting you more customers such as:
How does it look?
Is it secure?
How fast does it load?
Does it immediately showcase your products and services?
Does it convert visitors to leads?
Is it SEO Optimised?
And much more.

How To Make Your Website Attract And Qualify Customers

It all starts with knowing where your website stands right now and that’s where a Website Audit comes into the picture.
This FREE website audit evaluates your website and it allows you to clearly where you are right now, and where you need to go.
It also takes into consideration search engine optimization, design layout, strategic content mapping, security, speed and user experience and so much more.
That is the secret behind most successful businesses. A website audit is the ideal first step that your business needs to go from where you are to where you want to be in the next 90 days.