When you type something into Google, you’re presented with a list of search results on the screen Here, you are presented with both organic results and paid results.

Paid search results appear at the top of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), and usually have a little green box with the word ‘Ad’.

To get started with Search ads and drive traffic to your website, sign up for a Google Ads account. You’ll only be charged when someone clicks on your ad and gets redirected to your site.

Best practices of Google Search ads

Here are some best practices for Google search ads that will help you bring more website traffic and sales to your business.

1. Write a compelling ad copy
Remember, search ads are text ads based, there are no visuals attached, so google search effectiveness depends on how well you write them.
Your ad copy should focus not on the features of your products but on the benefits the user stands to get from using your product or service. Appeal to your potential customers’ needs and emotions.
Also, remember ad space is limited – so make sure you mention the most important thing(s). Avoid using generic words or phrases and use a single specific call to action.

2. Create branded search campaigns
It’s recommended to bid on your branded terms, especially if your business is new and you’re not ranking organically yet. This will help ensure your potential customers finds you easily if they want to check out your brand.
And, even if you already rank organically on Google, it’s still beneficial to run a branded search ad.
One brand that does this well is Grammarly even though it’s a strong, and well-established brand.
By bidding for your brand name, you will be taking much more space on the SERPs and increasing your chances of getting traffic to your website.

3. Run competitor search campaigns
Another good Google search ad practice is to use text ads is to target your competitors’ branded terms.
Sounds bad, but you don’t have to feel bad about doing it – it’s a very common practice for digital marketers. There’s a high possibility that people searching for your competitors will be interested in your products or services too, so take advantage of this opportunity to increase your website traffic and sales.
Note, if you’re already popular in your niche, it’s very likely that your competitors are already bidding on your branded terms. (LOL)

4. Create Dynamic search ads
A report from Google shows that about 15% of searches on Google are new search term every day. While this gives savvy marketers and businesses more ways to get in front of their target audience, it also makes it harder to know and keep up with all the relevant keywords for your business.
To save you time and keyword lists management easier, it is better to run dynamic search ads. This offers the easiest way to reach people who are searching for your products and services on Google.

What is Google Search Ads?

Benefits of Google Search Ads

● Increase traffic
Google processes nearly 5 billion searches per day. That’s a lot of people searching for something on one of the most popular search engines, and many of these people are searching for something to buy.
Advertising with Google Search Ads, you get to take advantage of that massive search audience.
Aside from that: you also get to enjoy the benefit of audiences on other Google platforms, including Gmail inboxes, YouTube videos, and the over 2 million websites and mobile apps that are part of the Google Display Network. Altogether, these represent over 90% of all internet users worldwide.

● Precise targeting
Aside from having access to a greater audience: having access to the right audience is important. That’s another benefit of using Google Search Ads. You can target the top-performing keywords for your brand, i.e. the keywords with the highest purchase intent.
You can also adjust your ad targeting based on the type of people that are most likely to convert. You target your audience based on age, gender, location, and interests — enabling you to zero in on your ideal audience data.

● Increased conversions
Findings show that people who click on Google Ads are 50% more likely to buy. Why?
it’s because most businesses use Google Search Ads to bid on keywords with the highest customer purchase intent.
The people searching for these keywords are often ready to buy. They’re not in the research or evaluation stage of their customer journey. They already know what they want and are ready to get it.
But what about the people who aren’t ready to buy?
Use a remarketing campaign. These allow you to target people who have visited your website previously and give them a more persuasive offer.

● Faster results

Advertising with Google Search Ads offers the fastest route for your website to leapfrog to the top of the search results.

It’s not like SEO, where you have to patiently wait for a long time to achieve the top spot on the search results page. With Google Search Ads, you can boost a landing page, bid for your highest-converting keywords, and get traffic faster.

Difference between google search and google display
The main difference between Google search and Google display ads is that search ads are “pull” advertising while display ads are “push” advertising.

What does this mean, it means that search ads only get displayed to those who are already searching for your product or service based on bided keywords, while Google display ads are paid placements that appear based on different ad targeting parameters.

Ready to get started with Google Search Ads?

With Google Search Ads, you can target your ideal audience, boost your website traffic and conversions, and improve your ROI — fast.

If you’re ready for your business to enjoy the benefits that come with using Google search Ads, we know how to drive results for every kind of Google Search ad campaign. Learn more about our services.