Converting a prospect into a loyal customer is at the heart of every business strategy. Traditional marketing tactics won’t work if you want your business to succeed in a digital environment. On average, your customer is spending 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day. Through the process of retargeting, you’ll be able to effectively reach those persons who’ve shown an interest in your online forums and then turn them into customers.

Retargeting is a form of digital advertising that keeps your brand in front of potential customers even after they’ve left your website. It reminds them of products and pages they’ve viewed and encourages them along the purchase funnel. Here are four reasons why you need to begin retargeting TODAY!

If Your Business Isn’t Retargeting, You’re Making a Mistake!

1. Boost Your Brand’s Online Presence

With 3 out of 4 customers noticing retargeting ads during their online experience, your brand will stand out to them as they peruse their favourite websites. Retargeting allows your brand to be omni present. It uses multi-channel advertising to make sure that your brand is effectively utilizing multiple platforms. With retargeting, your customers could see your ad while doing their social media checks or watching a video from their favourite YouTube blogger. With a minimum of 7 touchpoints needed for a sale, retargeting is crucial to keep your brand at your customer’s fingertips.

2. Increase Conversions on your Website

Retargeting also known as remarketing, helps you to bring back visitors to your website. It allows you to create customized messages that will appeal to your customer at every stage of the buyer’s journey. The number of times a customer sees your product online, matters! The more they return to your website, the more likely they are to purchase as your product becomes more familiar to them. Retargeting can increase your conversion rate by 150%.

3. Upsell to Repeat Buyers

The ability to create custom audience lists of customers who visit your physical/online store and website to make purchases, means that you’ll be able to target them directly in future campaigns. These customers bought your products and now have more trust in your brand. At this stage, you can target them with ads that showcase higher-priced products. The ability to upsell is a key benefit of retargeting, as your business builds a community/tribe of loyal customers who are willing to spend more money on your products, thus increasing your profitability.

4. You Can Stop Losing Prospects to Your Competitors

As your potential customers navigate the web, they are doing research to find a solution to the problem they’re having. With the abundance of choices readily available to them, it’s likely that they’re aware of your competitors’ products and services as well. If you’re not retargeting the customers who visit your website, there’s a good chance you’ll lose them to the competition. However, if you do run retargeting campaigns, you can even target persons who are similar to your website visitors encourage them to choose your product as the answer to their dilemma!

So what are you waiting for? Get started with retargeting today.